Buttermilk Five Veteran, Brent Knapp recently quit his day job to spend more time perfecting the art of sleeping in and honing his co-ed softball skills.
Among other things, Knapp says he has a goal to wear pajama pants for an entire calendar month. He plans to save money by stealing newspapers from his neighbors and re-selling them at premium prices to afternoon commuters.
Knapp called out his BM5 teammates saying, "If more people shared my dedication to co-ed softball and quit their jobs like me, my fellow buttermilkers and I would be perennial playoff contenders."
It is no coincidence that Brent's exit interview was scheduled just hours before LSU tipped off against Butler in this year's NCAA tournament. In addition to day time basketball and sometimes catching the end of The Today Show, Knapp plans on keeping his fans up to
date by detailing his daily/weekly activities on
his blog, which is located on the internet. You can find the internet on most computers and even on some cell phones. If you still don't know where to find the internet, look for some trendy idiot in your neighborhood who has purple hair and wears really tight jeans and chuck taylors. He/She should be able to help you locate the interweb.
Knapp has already created an efficient and tasty energy drink that he thinks will jump start his training and sharpen his skills on the co-ed diamond. The drink combines tomato juice, vodka, and several different spices. He hasn't decided on a name for his concoction yet, but he is
leaning towards "Bloody Mary" or "Tomato Juice and Vodka". He says, "It has all the major ingredients that have helped lots of successful athletes; tomatoes, juice, vodka, and several different spices".
If you are in Charlestown and want to train with Brent, feel free to stop by his place, but never, ever before noon.