Somerville, MA-- The Coed Softball community was rocked this morning when word spread of the Buttermilk Five's equipment bag being stolen out of the bed of Johnny Miller's truck while it was parked on Josephine Avenue.
Inside the equipment bag were various pieces of equipment and some priceless artwork. More startling than this complete lack of respect for undefeated sports teams is the timing of the brazen act. With the BM5 scheduled to host 21 Nickels at Casey Field tonight, and no bats for the potent BM5 offensive assault, getting to 2-0 would be almost impossible. Thankfully, Olympia Sports rushed to remedy the situation. They donated 2 brand new bats and 1 scorebook. However, they specifically stated that they are in no way donating the equipment and required payment on the spot.
BM5 Skipper, Chris Hogan said, "Josephine Avenue used to be a place you could raise a family. Now you can't even leave your softball gear out in the back of your truck. I'm hungry."
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